Webshop Reference Material - Order
WEPAL-QUASIMEME is part of Wageningen University (reg.nr. 09215846) and offers samples from the proficiency test schemes as reference material. Reference materials can be used for method development or as reference samples for internal quality control. WEPAL-QUASIMEME does not allow the use of these reference materials for proficiency testing not organized by WEPAL-QUASIMEME.
The reference materials come with a certificate of analysis or summary statistics. These documents are based on results from the WEPAL-QUASIMEME proficiency testing programmes.
Please select a program for which you would like to receive reference materials.

All soil types
Fresh water sediment
Sediment from rivers, harbor, lake
Marine sediment
Sediment from rivers, harbor, estuary and open sea
High and low salinity seawater, estuarine water and fresh water(cooled samples, send with courier)

Dried plant materials, e.g. crops, leaves, grain
Fish (liver), mussel and shrimp tissue
Shellfish toxins
e.g. Amnesic, lipophillic and paralytic shellfish toxins(chlorophyll samples are cooled and send with courier)

Manure and Compost
Compost, (dry)sewage sludge, organic fertilizers