My Participation / Quotation - How to participate

Next round 2024.4 will start at 2024-10-01

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Quotation concerning year: 2024

Please fill in desired programmes and request a quotation

For non-permanent members, registration must be completed by calendar year and only available rounds can be selected.

Rounds in current participation cannot be stopped.

Permanent membership is selected. Please fill in desired programmes and request a quotation or submit order

ProgrammePeriod 1 (Jan-Mar)Period 2 (Apr-Jun)Period 3 (Jul-Sep)Period 4 (Oct-Dec)No. of Sample setsCosts (excl. VAT)
ISE - International Soil-Analytical Exchange
Fresh water sediment
SETOC - International Sediment Exchange for Tests on Organic Contaminants
Marine sediment
MS1 - Trace metals in Sediment
MS2 - Chlorinated Organics in Sediment
MS3 - Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Sediment
MS6 - Organotins in Sediment
MS7 - Brominated Flame Retardants in sediment
MS8 - Perfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFASs) in Sediment
AQ1 - Nutrients in Seawater
AQ2 - Nutrients in Estuarine and low salinity Seawater
AQ3 - Metals in seawater
AQ4 - Mercury in seawater
AQ5 - Halogenated Organics in seawater
AQ6 - Volatile Organics in seawater
AQ7 - Pentachlorophenol in seawater
AQ8 - Triazines and organophosphorus compounds in seawater
AQ11 - Chlorophyll and Pheopigments in seawater
AQ12 - Organotins in seawater
AQ13 - Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in seawater
AQ14 - DOC in Estuarine and Seawater
AQ15 - Ocean acidification
Freshwater and wastewater
FW1 - Metals in wastewater
FW2 - Metals in freshwater
FW3 - Suspended Solids (OBD)
FW4 - General parameters in freshwater
FW5 - Charge and general parameters in wastewater
IPE - International Plant-Analytical Exchange
BT1 - Trace Metals in Biota
BT2 - Chlorinated Organics in Biota
BT4 - Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Biota
BT8 - Organotins in Biota
BT9 - Brominated Flame Retardants in Biota
BT10 - Perfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFASs) in biota
Shellfish toxins
BT7 - ASP shellfish toxins
BT11 - DSP shellfish toxins
BT12 - PSP shellfish toxins
Manure and Compost
MARSEP - International Manure and Refuse Sample Exchange Program
BIMEP - International Biomass Exchange Program
Special exercises
DE16 - Tetrodotoxin in shellfish
DE17 - Microplastics
DE18 - PFAS in (sea)water
DE19 - Pharmaceuticals in (sea)water
Total programs€ 0.00
Administration cost€ 30.00

Total amount (excl. VAT) in Euro€ 30.00
Note: If you want to participate in an ongoing round (period), we will contact you if participation for that round is not possible anymore (application date to close to the deadline of that round).
Prices for our proficiency tests and reference materials are excluding VAT. Shipment costs will be added in a later stage of the ordering process. Any amounts mentioned by WEPAL-QUASIMEME will be in euros, and exclusive of turnover tax and other taxes and levies.

Shipment information

Shipping costs depends on your address and the weight of the order/ordered samples). Choose from the following options

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