Soil |
ISE - International Soil-Analytical Exchange | | | | | | |
Fresh water sediment |
SETOC - International Sediment Exchange for Tests on Organic Contaminants | | | | | | |
Marine sediment |
MS1 - Trace metals in Sediment | | | | | | |
MS2 - Chlorinated Organics in Sediment | | | | | | |
MS3 - Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Sediment | | | | | | |
MS6 - Organotins in Sediment | | | | | | |
MS7 - Brominated Flame Retardants in sediment | | | | | | |
MS8 - Perfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFASs) in Sediment | | | | | | |
SeaWater |
AQ1 - Nutrients in Seawater | | | | | | |
AQ2 - Nutrients in Estuarine and low salinity Seawater | | | | | | |
AQ3 - Metals in seawater | | | | | | |
AQ4 - Mercury in seawater | | | | | | |
AQ5 - Halogenated Organics in seawater | | | | | | |
AQ6 - Volatile Organics in seawater | | | | | | |
AQ7 - Pentachlorophenol in seawater | | | | | | |
AQ8 - Triazines and organophosphorus compounds in seawater | | | | | | |
AQ11 - Chlorophyll and Pheopigments in seawater | | | | | | |
AQ12 - Organotins in seawater | | | | | | |
AQ13 - Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in seawater | | | | | | |
AQ14 - DOC in Estuarine and Seawater | | | | | | |
AQ15 - Ocean acidification | | | | | | |
Freshwater and wastewater |
FW1 - Metals in wastewater | | | | | | |
FW2 - Metals in freshwater | | | | | | |
FW3 - Suspended Solids (OBD) | | | | | | |
FW4 - General parameters in freshwater | | | | | | |
FW5 - Charge and general parameters in wastewater | | | | | | |
Plants |
IPE - International Plant-Analytical Exchange | | | | | | |
Biota |
BT1 - Trace Metals in Biota | | | | | | |
BT2 - Chlorinated Organics in Biota | | | | | | |
BT4 - Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Biota | | | | | | |
BT8 - Organotins in Biota | | | | | | |
BT9 - Brominated Flame Retardants in Biota | | | | | | |
BT10 - Perfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFASs) in biota | | | | | | |
Shellfish toxins |
BT7 - ASP shellfish toxins | | | | | | |
BT11 - DSP shellfish toxins | | | | | | |
BT12 - PSP shellfish toxins | | | | | | |
BT13 - Tetrodotoxin in shellfish | | | | | | |
Manure and Compost |
MARSEP - International Manure and Refuse Sample Exchange Program | | | | | | |
Biomass |
BIMEP - International Biomass Exchange Program | | | | | | |
Special exercises |
DE17 - Microplastics | | | | | | |
DE18 - PFAS in (sea)water | | | | | | |
DE19 - Pharmaceuticals in (sea)water | | | | | | |
Other |
PEP - Proof of Ecological Performance | | | | | | |